Jan 7, 14, 21, 28, Feb 4, 11, 18, 25, Mar 4, 11
10 weeks, Tuesday evenings 6:30-9:30pm. $225 including model fees.
Spend 10 weeks creating one or more clay figure studies in a supportive environment. No instructor, but if you are new to this we will help you get ready and situated. Always a fun group, with great learning opportunities!
Materials are about $20-$70 depending on what you already have, and which clay you choose. Our model will be Maddy – pose to be determined soon!
Please email us so we know you are coming!
Fee can be paid by check or online.
Figures, by Lois Rhomberg
Jan 9, 16, 23, (skip Jan 30) Feb 6, 13, 20, 27, Mar 6, 13, 20
10 weeks, Thursday evenings 6:30-9:30pm, $450 including model fees.
Instructor: Armando Gutiérrez G.
Create a life-like, life-size portrait in plasticene (oil) clay. Study the anatomy and proportions of the head, working from a live model.
Materials: armature $30, clay $70-$98 depending on what you already have.
Please email us so we know you are coming!
Fee can be paid by check or online.
Adriana, by Armando Gutiérrez
Jan 9, 16, 23, (skip Jan 30) Feb 6, 13, 20, 27, Mar 6, 13, 20
10 weeks, Thursday mornings 10:00am-1:00pm, $350
Instructor: Lois Rhomberg
Deep-dive into observation, measurements, and sculpture skills by copying an existing Plaster Sculpture in ceramic clay. This project is a traditional part of practicing the art – a good starting place for beginners, and great practice for those with experience. Final piece can be fired.
Materials - approximately $65 for clay and armature, depending on the project you select.
Please email us so we know you are coming!
Fee can be paid by check or online.
Sleeping Faun Mask
Instructor Armando Gutiérrez G., assisted by Lois Rhomberg
Our Fall Raku Firing was so fun and successful last fall that we can’t wait to do it again! Please email us if you are interested!
Raven, by Chad Neimeyer
We are working on a new format for this ambitious bronze project – details will be available by the next email, Please email us if you are interested! Instructors Armando Gutiérrez G and Lois Rhomberg